Although I have continued to publish in Instagram I have been quiet on the blog for the last few months. This gave me the time to upgrade the hosting software to a service that has more optimisation for photographers.

A fun long Easter weekend which, unusually for the UK, included some sunshine. Having really been bitten by the photography bug over the last 11 months I decided to see if I could make the most of the golden hour by getting "into the mud" before sunrise. This entailed getting up at 4am on Friday and Saturday, whilst technically at...

Returning to Lindley Wood reservoir after a few months the ground had a few days this week with no rain. Hence it was a bit drier underfoot but the steel grey clouds were ever present. Luckily this made the grey heron feel at home as he hopped about surveying his empire.

After four months of almost continuous rain nearly every part of Yorkshire is starting to resemble a wetland. All rivers, including the river Wharfe are running full to their limits, and of course there is mud everywhere. Good weather for ducks. No wonder this mallard duck looks so happy!

An unexpectedly cold Saturday morning at Ben Rhydding Nature Reserve did not prevent nature showing us more evidence of spring. In addition to the new plant growth there was much more bird life including Canada geese, mallard ducks, and a common moorhen.

Keen to do some "serious" wildlife photography at Nidd Gorge this week I made sure I was there as early as possible to avoid the dog walkers. I succeeded, but was instead confronted by groups of cross country runners from 3 difference races. An aloof crow saved me from a total bust in terms of wildlife, but it was time to change to a shorter lens....

This weekend had several disappointments. These included not being able to get out in the mornings for photography, and the weather being overcast and wet yet again. However the most annoying was to find out that Yorkshire Water now charge for car parking at their reservoirs. Luckily trying new things in photography always cheers me up.

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