Using my Christmas break to scout new locations I did a quick visit to the Woodland Trust's NIdd Gorge near Harrogate. Again wonderfully looked after by the volunteers it was too big to take in during one quick trip. Going down into the gorge was probably a mistake given all the recent rain as the paths were basically...

At last some relatively good weather and good health provided a great morning outdoors with my new Canon R10. I must admit to missing the exceptional zoom of the Lumix FZ82 as the Canon "only" came with a 18 – 150mm kit lens. However it is obvious how much more data the crop sensor collects as the ISO settings for...

Having not been able to get out for the last two weeks, first because of illness and then because of the North Yorkshire weather, I was keen to get out and try out my new Canon R10 with its 18mm – 150mm zoom lens. Unfortunately the local wildlife were much more sensible in staying at home, but I did witness...

Several months ago I decided to try "serious photography" primarily as a mechanism to get myself off the couch. After a healthy amount of internet research I settled on the Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ82 bridge camera as a way to dip my toes in the water, without breaking the bank. It was still the most expensive camera I had ever bought!...

With great plans for an active weekend including getting up before dawn to catch some frosty sunrises, I promptly caught a winter bug instead and spent 3 feverish days in bed. I did stagger out on the final evening to get some fresh air but then had a giant fight with my camera settings, as I had forgotten that I...

The UK contains a lot of wonderful countryside but is also home to many millions of people. England in particular has a significantly high population density which causes our countryside to be heavily used, and sometimes to be heavily misused. If all visitors would follow a few simple rules it would make all the difference to subsequent visitors,...

A very dark and dreary day in my part of the world so probably not the best time to try out manual settings on the camera! Luckily it was nice and invigorating to be out in the wind, and the autumnal colours were really showing before the last leaves hit the floor.

As it was predicted to be a beautiful Saturday morning this week I made sure that I got up early to make the most of it. Unfortunately, I still managed to leave late and found that the morning charge of runners and dog walkers had beaten me to it. Certain that I would not get any wildlife photographs I "contented"...

The Lindley Wood reservoir, which I believe acts as an overflow reservoir to control river levels downstream, literally filled up in a week in October 2023. It was difficult to get a comparison picture since I would need a boat to get to the position I was in in August 2023. A happy accident in today's picture of the bridge...

After recent weather it was not surprising to find most tracks more like streams on this walk. At least the wild fowl seemed at home. In addition to some very vocal Canada Geese plus a few high speed Mallard Ducks, I had a nice surprise when a couple of Mandarin Ducks wandered by.

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