Taken on a grey overcast morning under tree cover I was amazed to get these "action" pictures of a white throated dipper hunting on the river Wharfe. Given that these were taken hand-held from the riverbank, using a full 600mm zoom with a f/6.3 aperture and a 12800 ISO, I am delighted that this actually worked.

Whilst walking alongside the river Wharfe at 6AM one grey and muggy morning I encountered this guy coming the other way in search of breakfast. As he was approximately 10 feet from where I had previously seen an otter swimming, and much bigger than a ferret type animal, I assumed it was a "dry" otter. However others seeing some of...

Inspired by Duade Paton's youtube video I have been attempting to get to grips with the variable priority mode (Fv) on my Canon R6 Mk2. As you can see I have some way to go. The mode is extremely powerful and once you are used to it you will have total control of all the main variables with just two dials....

They say that "necessity is the mother of all invention". In my case accidental dumb luck is also a major factor! Whilst playing with the settings on my new Canon r6 mk2, and using the flexible priority mode (Fv) for the first time ever, I accidentally fixed the iso at 125 when shooting f6.3 @ 1/640s for a zoom of...

Having been working on some careful exercises over the last few weeks I rashly decided to test them out in my photography by lying on the ground to get a slugs perspective of the wild flowers. In addition to getting myself very wet I also got some nice wild flower pictures from the new viewpoint.. I think the slug was...

Approximately 1 year ago I took my first "wildlife" picture using the amazing Lumix FZ82 bridge camera. It was of a lapwing which landed nearby when I was trying to compose a landscape shot. Last Sunday I took another lapwing picture at the same site, using my new Canon r6 Mk2 with a Sigma 150-600 contemporary lens. Whilst the...

Although I have continued to publish in Instagram I have been quiet on the blog for the last few months. This gave me the time to upgrade the hosting software to a service that has more optimisation for photographers.

A fun long Easter weekend which, unusually for the UK, included some sunshine. Having really been bitten by the photography bug over the last 11 months I decided to see if I could make the most of the golden hour by getting "into the mud" before sunrise. This entailed getting up at 4am on Friday and Saturday, whilst technically at...

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